Herr Antrim's Blog

Alternate Realities in German - B1 Listening Comprehension with Konjunktiv 2

This lesson serves as an introduction to the Konjunktiv 2 forms. The idea is to showcase a large range of ways to use the Konjunktiv 2.

All Konjunktiv 1 & Konjunktiv 2 Lessons

Konjunktiv 1 vs...

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Konjunktiv 1 Explained

In this lesson you will learn everything about Konjunktiv 1 in German including when and why you would need to use it, how to form it, which tenses you can use with it and a whole lot...

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Konjunktiv 1 vs. Konjunktiv 2

Hallo, Deutschlerner. Have you encountered words like “hätte”, “würde” or “könnte”? Maybe “sei”? Have you ever seen a sentence in a...

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Herr Antrim's Livestreams

On this page you will find an archive of Herr Antrim's monthly livestreams from YouTube as well as his upcoming stream. 

Livestream Archive 

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Learn GERMAN in 2025! Beginner to Fluent (Step-by-Step Guide)

Another year, another goal... Is THIS finally the year you learn German? Or will it end up on your ‘Maybe Next Year’ list like you have been doing every year before?

Something always...

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German Question Word Order & Question Words Basics

In this lesson you will learn how to form your own questions in German, so you can really open up the versatility of your German skills. 

Statement Word Order 

Before we get into...

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Basic Questions and Answers EVERY German Beginner Should Know

In this lesson you will learn some basic questions and some sample answers to those questions in German. When you are done with this lesson, you should be able to answer each of these...

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How to Create & Use Partizip I & II as Adjectives

Did you know you can use verbs as adjectives in German? Well, in this lesson I will explain which forms of verbs can be used as adjectives and how you can use them in your own German sentences....

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Comparative & Superlative with German Adverbs

Ever needed to know the German word for higher, further, faster or the bestest most awesomest? By the end of this lesson, you will be able to change adjectives and adverbs in German from the...

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Comparative & Superlative with German Adjectives

In dieser Lektion werde ich euch den Komparativ und Superlativ mit Adjektiven im Deutschen beibringen. Da ich schon eine Lektion über den Komparativ und Superlativ mit Adverbien und eine...

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German Adjectives: Placement, Ending & More!

If you have ever tried to describe something in German, but found you don't know what to do with the adjectives in your sentence, this lesson will straighten that mess out.

You will...

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Relative Pronouns & Clauses

What would you think if you came across this sentence in German?
Wenn die, die reinwollen, die, die rauswollen, nicht rauslassen, dann können die, die rauswollen, die, die reinwollen, nicht...

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