Herr Antrim's Blog

Common Verbs with Konjunktiv 2

Hallo, Deutschlerner. Konjunktiv 2 can be incredibly difficult to fully grasp. That’s why I spent the past few lessons explaining, what it is and why you need to know it plus the various ways...

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Deutschland by Rammstein Grammar

What can the new single “Deutschland” by Rammstein teach you about German grammar? That’s right. I’m jumping onto the bandwagon. Sure I’m a week or two...

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Konjunktiv 2 with Modal Verbs

Konjunktiv 2 with Modal Verbs

Hallo, Deutschlerner. You know a lot about how to use Konjunktiv 2 in German to express things that are contrary to reality.

You know you can use...

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Konjunktiv 2 with hätte & wäre

Hallo, Deutschlerner. The Konjunktiv 2 is used to express things that are contrary to reality in German. This often takes the form of wishes, hopes, dreams and the like, but doesn’t have to...

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Rhabarberbarbara: A German Tongue Twister with English Translation

Rhabarberbarbara Text in German

In einem kleinen Dorf wohnte einst ein Mädchen mit dem Namen Barbara. Barbara war in der ganzen Gegend für ihren ausgezeichneten Rhabarberkuchen...

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Konjunktiv 2 Mastery: Usage & Formation in Past, Present, Future

In this lesson I will explain the Konjunktiv 2 in German. You will learn how to form the Konjunktiv 2 and when to use it. You will also learn how to use the Konjunktiv 2 in the Präsens...

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Konjunktiv 1 Explained

Hallo, Deutschlerner. A couple of weeks ago I explained what the differences between the Konjunktiv 1 and Konjunktiv 2 are in German. I did this in the most generic way possible and kept...

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Sie vs sie vs sie – What’s the difference and how can you tell?

There are three different pronouns in German that are all written as s-i-e. When you hear the word “sie” in German, it could mean “she” or “they” or...

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Das Abendessen-Desaster – Discovering Deutschland Episode 6

In this episode of Discovering Deutschland, our friends Bruce, Jason, and Richard try to enjoy a relaxing evening meal in a German restaurant in Potsdamer Platz. This dinner, however, was anything...

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Herr Antrim’s Monthly Livestream!

The countdown has begun…



Upcoming Livestream Dates & Topics

Herr Antrim conducts a livestream on the 1st Monday of every month. The schedule for these livestreams...

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Konjunktiv 1 vs Konjunktiv 2: Battle of the Subjunctives

Hallo, Deutschlerner. Have you encountered words like “hätte”, “würde” or “könnte”? Maybe “sei”? Have you ever seen a sentence in a...

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Ich hätte gern…

Hallo, Deutschlerner! Heute sind wir auf dem Viktualienmarkt in München, und wir werden ein paar nützliche Sätze lernen, die man beim Einkaufen verwenden kann. Unser Hauptcharakter,...

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