Herr Antrim's Blog

How to Understand Fast Spoken German Effortlessly | Understand German quickly

Speaking German with native speakers is tough. It can be incredibly frustrating when you can’t understand everything they are saying, they speak too quickly for you to understand and you...

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Du hast eine echt coole Party verpasst! - German Perfekt Tense Listening/Reading Comprehension Practice

This lesson is a listening/reading comprehension lesson focusing on the Perfekt tense. It is a conversation between two friends about a party from the weekend before. You can watch the video above...

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Was hast du am Wochenende gemacht? - German Perfekt Tense Listening/Reading Comprehension

This lesson is a listening/reading comprehension lesson focusing on the Perfekt tense. You can watch the video above or read the text below and expand your knowledge of the German Perfekt...

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How to Form & Use Irregular Verbs in the German Perfekt Tense

If you want to talk about the past in German, you need the Perfekt tense. If you want to do it with any style, you will need to learn how to use irregular verbs in the Perfekt tense. Today...

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The Basics of the Perfekt Tense & Regular Verbs

In my last video I introduced you to the Perfekt tense through a conversation about the question “Was hast du am Wochenende gemacht?” Today I’m going to explain a bit about when...

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How to Form All 6 German Tenses & When to Use Them

The German language has 6 tenses. In this lesson I will introduce them all to you and show you a general overview of how they are used, why they exist and how you form them.

For each of these...

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6 German vs. 12 English Tenses: When to Use Which?

Hallo, Deutschlerner. Do you know how to translate this sentence into English?

Bob isst.

It seems like this should be pretty easy to do, but what if I told you that you could translate this ONE...

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Patterns of Irregular Verbs in German: 3 Principal Parts of German Verbs

Learning irregular verb forms in German can be tricky. It can seem completely arbitrary. Luckily, when you zoom out a bit, there are patterns that emerge. This post will show you these patterns...

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Past Tense of German Modal Verbs in Perfekt & Präteritum

Do you use the Perfekt tense of Präteritum tense with modal verbs in German?

Ich habe nach Hause gehen wollen. -
I wanted to go home.

If that looks overwhelming, confusing or just plain dumb,...

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Präteritum (Simple Past) with haben and sein in German

The verbs “haben” and “sein” can be tricky in pretty much every tense. When you talk about things that you “had” or “were” in German, you need to...

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Präteritum (Simple Past) with Irregular Verbs in German

Es war einmal eine schöne Prinzessin, die lange, prächtige Haare hatte. Sie wohnte in einem großen Turm, der weder Treppe noch Türen hatte. Eines Tages kam ein Prinz zum Turm...

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Präteritum (Simple Past) with Regular Verbs: Simple Past in German

Perfekt vs Präteritum: The Differences Between the Two German Past Tenses

Before I get too deep into the real topic of the day, we need to talk about Perfekt vs Präteritum....

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